
Showing posts from August, 2019

Social Advertising: Up Your Game in the Era of Digital Engagement

Gone are the days of simply posting on social media platforms, such as Twitter, Facebook or Instagram, and expecting your followers (both customers and prospects) to see or absorb what you have to say. Nowadays, it is all about a dynamic interaction with an ever-hungry, highly-eager, but mostly impatient audience. Are you engaging them enough with polls, votes and reactions? Are you keeping your messaging short, on-point and interesting? Are you delivering your communication through the most relevant platforms? Are you creating adequate buzz for them to take notice, like, share, advocate or purchase your brand? In the overloaded and cluttered world of digital content, the only way to grab eyeballs is to align the shape, size, form and delivery of your content to the preferences of your audience. Today, you can maximize the features available on social media platforms to engage with your customers or prospects like never before. Tell them an inside story about your company, gi